The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 11, 2024, Cycle B, The Prayers of the Faithful

Sunday February 11, 2024

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

For all who guide us in faith. May our leaders hear the pain and anguish of us all. May we work together for reconciliation, harmony, and a new life in Christ’s healing mercy.

We pray to the Lord.

For the courage to touch pain. May our physical and emotional pain be touched and named. May we offer all that darkens our souls to Christ’s life. May peace abound in us.

We pray to the Lord.

For hope in our trials and in times of trouble. May we humbly ask Christ to heal our anxiety and our worry about tomorrow.

We pray to the Lord.

For sustenance for the hungry. May we work without limits to feed the lives of our families who live in food deserts in our cities.

We pray to the Lord.

For people who have been shamed in social media. May the wounds of doubt and despair be named and may we all be set free in the presence of Christ Jesus. May we not scar our neighbor or degrade others.

We pray to the Lord.

For our youth who have given up on faith and institutions. May our young find new life in our outreach to their needs. May we learn to listen to our children.

We pray to the Lord.

For people who live in doubt and in the dreariness of sin. May forgiveness be in our actions and may love fill our lives.

We pray to the Lord.

For people who suffer from scars and wounds. May we not judge the skin of other people. May our injuries find home in love.  May every hardship and disfigurement be healed in Christ’s touch. May we tell the world of God’s miracles.

We pray to the Lord.

For people who are ill and who face surgeries and procedures this week. May God be on the side of healing for all in need.

We pray to the Lord.

For our loved ones who have died. May our home in heaven be eternal.

We pray to the Lord.

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